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Chart of Nuclides

An offline viewer of isotope and nuclear structure data in the Chart of Nuclides / Segrè chart format. Uses nuclear structure data from ENSDF and isotopic abundance data from NIST. A full list of features is here.


main interfacezoomed in interfacelevel list viewalternate color scheme view


Only Linux is supported for now.
Get the latest release and follow the installation instructions there.

Alternatively, the application can be built from source using the instructions here.

Using the program

Zoom and pan with the mouse, the controls are basically identical to Google Maps.

Keyboard shortcuts

This program is also designed to be fully navigable with a keyboard.

Key Action
Arrow keys Pan chart view, navigate menus
W / A / S / D Pan selected nuclide (in chart and level list views)
+ / - Zoom in/out on chart
] / [ Cycle between view modes for the chart (half-life, 2+ energy, etc.)
Enter Select menu items
Alt Open menu
Escape / backspace Exit out of open menus, cancel selection, etc.
Ctrl+F Search
F11 Toggle fullscreen mode
P Toggle performance stats debug overlay
Ctrl+Q Quit application


Developed and maintained by Jonathan Williams.

A slightly modified version of the SDL_FontCache library by Jonathan Dearborn is used for fast text rendering.

The font used in this program (data/font.ttf) is a modified version of Oxygen with some additional unicode glyphs from Noto Sans. Both fonts are made available under the Open Font License (as described here and here).